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Version: 5.0.x {stable}

PWM Signal Conditioner


This block converts any generic PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) input signal or servo PWM signal to a normalized command. In the case of generic PWM, limitation are:

  • Duty cycle 0 or 1 are evaluated as no signal.
  • The maximum width of pulse is 10 000 [us].
  • The minimum width of pulse is 10 [us].
  • To this corresponds requirements for the frequency to be in a range from 0.1 [kHz] to 10 [kHz].


The block has several parameters that can be set to form the output curve. Transfer characteristic is shown in the picture below, with several different configurations of parameters min, center and max. The configuration is similar to the ASC block, but instead of analog voltage, the input is the width of the pulse.

Parameter min should be set to the value of voltage which is on output on a sensor when is it fully released. Parameter max should be set to the value of voltage which is on output on a sensor when is it fully open. Ideally, the output of the ASC block should be a value from 0-1 (-1 to 1). In case absmin or absmax are not set, there is no constrain on PWM block output.

The center parameter is a special feature, if is set to a non-zero value, the output of the PWM block is bi-directional (suitable for joystick control, or throttle release braking).

Transfer characteristic of the PWM block

Transfer characteristic of the PWM block

Safety settings

Absmin and absmax are parameters for the detection of malfunction on the input device. If the input value is under absmin or above absmax, output goes to NaN (Not a Number). This mostly results in motor disarm (depend on the application in the controller). This function can detect disconnected cable from the controller.

If there is no pulse after timeout2, the output is set to NaN.

Parameter timeout1 is because of analog RC receivers. If there is no pulse after timeout1, PWM block will need 10 pulses to change input. This is when you lost RC signal, first pulses could be incorrect. These last parameters are always needed, because of safety. This results in requirements for the duty cycle (described above).

In common block (/common) is parameter for PWM encode configuration - /common/ppmconf. Value 255 is for inverted signal, and 0 for non-inverted signal.

PWM parameters

minLow threshold of the input range
centerCenter point of the input range. If this parameter is zero, the output is treated as unidirectional with a range from <0-1>.
maxHigh threshold of the input range
absminInput value under this threshold set output to NaN. *
absmaxInput value above this threshold set output to NaN. *
timeout1No PWM for timeout1 need 10 pulses to change the output
timeout2No PWM for timeout2 set output to NaN
lpfOutput low-pass filter. More about lpf here.

*NaN typically do disarm

ASC states

inInput signal to PWM block. [us]
outOutput signal from PWM block. [-1 - 1]