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Version: 5.0.x {stable}

BEST - Battery SOC estimator


This module estimate battery State Of Charge.

There are two algorithms:

  • columb counting (= integrating current that goes to the motor)
  • voltage estimation (= gues SOC from battery voltage)

These algorithm working together to compute the SOC.

Voltage estimation settings

By increasing soc_gain or reset_gain, BEST module will rellay more on voltage estimation.

Coulomb counting

There is no setting for columb counting. You can just disable it (Set P to 0).

When disabling coulomb counting?

If the siliXcon controller is not the only power device connected to the battery.

BEST parameters

For controllers located at folder /best.
For BMS located at folder /driver/best.

S[-] number of cells in series
P[-] number of cells in parallel. Set 0 to disable columb counting.
soc_gain[1/Ohm/3.6] weight of SOC correction from voltage. Set 0 to disable voltage correction during run. (Voltage correction will work only during BEST reset).
reset_time[ms] SOC reset time at device startup. Set negative for only manual reset from command breset or from the app. Set 0 to disable the reset feature.
reset_gain[1/Ohm/3.6] Same as soc_gain, but this gain is used during BEST reset.
Cc[mAh] cell nominal capacity
Rc[Ohm] cell nominal resistance
Rs[Ohm] pack series wiring resistance
U100[V] OCV* for cell when SOC = 100%
U85[V] OCV* for cell when SOC = 85%
U10[V] OCV* for cell when SOC = 10%
U0[V] OCV* for cell when SOC = 0%

*Open Circuit Voltage - voltage on a single battery cell, without load.

BEST states

soc[0-1] Battery state of charge

BEST permanents

Located at folder /permanents.

Cmax[mAh] Maximum battery capacity (at 100% charge)
Cact[mAh] Actual battery capacity

BEST shell commands

bresetReset BEST module. For reset_time is SOC corrected using reset_gain