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Some math equations


Motor current vs. iref

iref>=/driver/motor/currentd2+/driver/motor/currentq2iref >= \sqrt{ /driver/motor/currentd^2 + /driver/motor/currentq^2 }

If driver mode = 2 (current) and cmd = 1, left and right side are equal

Motor voltage vs. uref:

uref>=/driver/motor/voltaged2+/driver/motor/voltageq2uref >= \sqrt{ /driver/motor/voltaged^2 + /driver/motor/voltageq^2 }

If driver mode = 1 (voltage) and cmd = 1, left and right side are equal

ubat>=uref3ubat >= uref * \sqrt{3}

Ulink=/driver/motor/voltaged2+/driver/motor/voltageq232U_{link} = \sqrt{ /driver/motor/voltaged^2 + /driver/motor/voltageq^2 } * \sqrt{\frac{3}{ 2}}

Ulink=U_{link} = Voltage measured by multimeter betveen 2 phases