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Version: 3.0.x


Miscellaneous settings of the device. All these parameters are located in misc folder.

beepoptsDenifes behaviour of sound signalization (bitwise parameter)1 - Enables arming sound
2 - Enables intro sound
4 - Enables disarming sound
8 - Enables sound SOC indication
16 - Enables throttle error sound signalization
32 - Enambles change map sound signalization
64 - Enables shut down sound signalization
128 - Enables lock sound signalization
256 - Enable reverse sound
dispmodeDefines UART device selection-1 - Automatic selector
0 - Disabled
1 - Bafang
32 - WS LED
ledbrightDefines brightness of WS LED0 - 100 [%]
ledoptsDefines settings of WS LED indication (bitwise parameter)0-2 - LED colour order
4 - LED is turned OFF while driving
8 - LED reduce brightness while riding
lightoptsDefines settings of vehicle lights (bitwise parameter)1 - Turns on lights after start
2 - Enables brake lights
shdntimDefines timer for shutting down of the device (if the device is idling)[s]
speedoptsDefines speed limiter settings (bitwise parameter)1 - Enables aditional speed limiter from external sensor
2 - Set aditional speed sensor only to global speed limiter
128 - Disables primary speed limiter (from motor)
syncmodeDefines Master-Slave configuration0 - Function disabled
1 - Device is set as master (must be device with addr = 0)
2 - Device is set as slave
warntimDefines timer for acoustic signalization (energized state)[s]


Lynx offers two settable timers

Warning timer

This timer can be used for sound signalization when the system is armed but idling (to aware user that it is energized). Warning timer can be set by paramater warntim. The parameter is a number of [s] between the warning beep.

Shutdown timer

This timer can be used for automatic powering off when the system is inactive (idling). Shut down timer can be set by parameter shdntim. The shutdown will work only on controllers with flip-flop powering variant.

Sound signalization

There is a possibility to indicate several states of the system by acoustic signalization using the motor as a speaker. Sound signalization can be us for these states:

  • Motor is armed
  • Motor is disarmed
  • System is powered on
  • System is powered off
  • System is locked
  • Battery SOC
  • Throttle malfunction
  • Map change

The setting of this feature can be done by beepopts parameter.

Battery SOC - The system can indicate battery SOC by sound signalization at vehicle startup.

Master-Slave operation

The system offers cooperation of up to 4 devices (1 master and 3 slaves) interconnected and communication via CANbus. The benefits are that all the control inputs are connected to the master only and it is giving commands to all slaves. Activation and setting of this function is done by parameter syncmode in all the devices on the bus

More info here

UART displays

Lynx supports several UART displays. Parameter dispopts defines what device is used for the signalization. Currently supported devices are listed below.

  • Programmable LED (WS): The simplest indication by a programmable LED connected to the UART interface. LED properties can be set by parameters ledbright and ledopts
  • Screens using Bafang's UART protocol: This solution can be used for indication of ride data (speed, user map, SOC) as well as external digital inputs used as map switch button and two programmable buttons


There is an option to control external lights using inbuilt digital output (if the device is equipped with it). The lights are controlled by the state of the digital in_light input. Advanced settings of lights can be done by parameter lightopts