Mode/cmd change limiters
These limiters are used to smoothen the transitions in case of step (or rapid) change of motor command. It also smooths transitions from one motor mode to another.
Next variables are located in the folder /driver/limiter
Sweep rate limiter
Sweep rate limiter is a special limiter that reacts to some changes in the motor command or the motor mode. It aims to smoothen the transitions in case of step (or rapid) change of motor command. It also smooths transitions from one motor mode to another. If this limiter is turned off, command steps and transitions between modes could cause shocks and vibrations.
Sweep rate limiter reaction:
Influence of ccgain on limitation (ccdamp = 0,001):
Command Change damping limiter. Phase current is limited during the transition when there is a change in the command. This parameter defines for how long the limiter is active. The lower the value is, the longer the limitation is (the response is slower).
Command Change damping gain. Phase current is limited during the transition if there is a change in the command. This parameter defines the starting value of the limitation percentage.
Mode change limiter
Mode change limiter. Smoothens the motor torque during a motor mode change.
- After a mode change request, current limitation is ramped up to 100% for the
milliseconds - Then, the mode is changed (e.g. current mode -> voltage mode)
- Then, current limitation is ramped back down to 0% (limitation released) for the
Reserved for future use.